Thursday, 5 August 2010

Every Cloud...

A few of the Craft Candy girls and I were looking forward to a great weekend recently at an event that was very much our style. Sadly, due to a few 'technical issues' at the event, it ended up being a bit of a flop as far as sales went. I am a prize whinger, as anyone who knows me will happily tell you, but once the bluster is out of the way, I'm quickly back to normal and looking for the positives. This time I found quite a few

1. I got to spend ages talking to my new friend Laura of Laura Lou, a recent member of Craft Candy that I hadn't got to meet yet.

2. I got the world's best swap; my sock bunny Percy for a great book made by Heather Dewick using pages from Ladybird books for the cover and end papers.

3. We were able to listen to some great music from people such as The Everly Pregnant Brothers.

4. We were as delighted watching, as Sabine was making, her lovely new wicker wreath and basket, as taught by the ever talented Rachel.

5. Though I had spent what felt like 500 hours, in the previous 2 weeks, making new stock, I now have plenty of things to update my Etsy shop and actually list on my newly created Folksy shop.

All in all we had a fun weekend, spent with great friends...who cares if we're still all penniless :)

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